The RCP Company is the expansion of Rocky Capella's Production Action Group.
Best known as an action director and stunt coordinator, Rocky has worked directly with some of the top producers and directors in the industry including George Lucas, The Wachowskis, Clint Eastwood, Stephen Soderberg, Zack Snyder, Ron Howard, Francis Ford Coppola and Chris Colombus to name a few. He has also been a consultant on dozens of projects for tech companies, major film studios, nonprofit organizations and one of his biggest clients, the automotive industry.
Rocky has now expanded his RCP Company to open his business to work in Co-Production with other organizations. This gives other companies the option to have RCP produce and direct their project from concept to completion, or Co-Produce with your company or continue to hire Rocky and his team independently as in the past.
You can also view more information about Rocky Capella on his personal website at